WSSA Hall of Fame
Founded 2005
.Criteria for Hall of Fame Selection are:
- Playing skill as a participant in league regular-season games and league tournament play;
- Level of sportsmanship and personal behavior;
- Contribution of time and effort in the development and growth of the WSSA;
- Number of years (beyond ten) as a member of the association.
2024 Hall of Fame Inductees
Six New Members Inducted at the Hall of Fame Luncheon on October 25
Pictured below are attendees at the annual WSSA Hall of Fame Luncheon marking the end of the 2024 season. This year's inductees are Norman Allen, Ed Dominelli, Mike Gallagher, Harry Marriner, Ron Torre, and Lifetime Achievement awardee Jack Plentovich.
Thanks to Walter Aaron for the photos.
Pictured below are attendees at the annual WSSA Hall of Fame Luncheon marking the end of the 2024 season. This year's inductees are Norman Allen, Ed Dominelli, Mike Gallagher, Harry Marriner, Ron Torre, and Lifetime Achievement awardee Jack Plentovich.
Thanks to Walter Aaron for the photos.
2023 Hall of Fame Inductees
2022 Hall of Fame Inductees
2021 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Five new members for 2021 and three from 2020 were officially inducted into the WSSA Hall of Fame at the WSSA Annual Luncheon on November 5, 2021. The new Hall of Fame members are Ron Sullivan, Dan Davis, Fred Altman, Mark Schall, and George King. This year’s class was honored along with last year’s class whose induction was cancelled due to the pandemic restrictions. Those 2020 inductees are Dwight Crainshaw, Manny Brown and Sonny Wells.
Five new members for 2021 and three from 2020 were officially inducted into the WSSA Hall of Fame at the WSSA Annual Luncheon on November 5, 2021. The new Hall of Fame members are Ron Sullivan, Dan Davis, Fred Altman, Mark Schall, and George King. This year’s class was honored along with last year’s class whose induction was cancelled due to the pandemic restrictions. Those 2020 inductees are Dwight Crainshaw, Manny Brown and Sonny Wells.
2021 Hall of Fame Inductees
2020 Hall of Fame Inductees
2019 Hall of Fame Inductees
2018 Hall of Fame Inductees
2017 Hall of Fame Inductees
2016 Hall of Fame Inductees
Newly inducted in 2016, George Scelzi, Bill Manley, and Richard Price (front row) stand with other Hall of Famers for this photo taken at the annual league banquet at Carrabba's Restaurant.
Phil Rose (L) and Brother George Rose
At the 2016 League banquet, George Rose was remembered and honored with a special Hall of Fame award although he was unable to attend the banquet due to his health. George played for the Legends and his last years with the WSSA, he managed the Club Batter Up team in the Coastal Division. George passed away a few weeks after the banquet. |
2015 Hall of Fame Inductees
Bob Dempsey
Jerry Dowling
Phil Kaufman
2014 Hall of Fame Inductees
2013 Hall of Fame Inductees