Phil Rose, a former minor league baseball player, New York policeman, and detective, retired to Wilmington in 1995. He had played senior softball for years in Long Island.
Disappointed to learn that there was no senior softball league in Wilmington, Phil began to solicit neighbors and friends interested in staying active. He made up flyers distributing them in the area stores and within weeks he received numerous inquiries. From eleven players hitting the ball around, the league took shape, finishing the first season with 3 teams. Today, there are 3 divisions consisting of more than 175 players. Twelve teams take the field every Tuesday and Thursday morning during the regular season for double headers. Fields are lined, players are uniformed, and the games professionally umpired. From a bunch of retired fellows hitting a ball around in 1995 to now, the league has evolved to satisfy those seeking casual, relaxed play to those seeking more serious competition. |
For a more detailed account of the early days of the WSSA, read "A Brief History on the Formation of the WSSA" by Richard Price and Bill Walsh.