Rules for Using Ogden Park Fields

Ogden Field Usage Rules Updated 3/23/23
- Ogden Fields (Red / Blue / Green / Yellow) can be accessed starting at 8:45 but NOT PRIOR. Team managers, please ensure that the fields are raked around home plate and the pitcher's mound before leaving the fields.
- Pitching screens/nets (if they are not property of WSSA) should be moved off the fields after practice or games.
- Please encourage ALL the players on your teams to check the dugouts, bleachers area and surrounding area immediate to the field you are using to ensure there is no equipment or trash left behind by our players.
- If games are called due to wet fields or if you arrive to find wet fields do not go on them, even in the outfields.
- Do not call the field supervisor to ask him about field conditions. Brian McCarthy, Deputy Commissioner, is our liaison with the field maintenance crew. Only he should call them. If you have questions about field conditions, first check your text messages and the WSSA website, then if necessary call Brian, (203) 395-8405.