CPR Training Available for WSSA Members, Fans and Umpires
A CPR class has been arranged for the WSSA players. It is training on CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and the use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). In order to have as many people as possible who will be at the fields trained in these life-saving skills, the class has been opened to WSSA players, umpires, and fans who attend the games. The classes are being run by New Hanover Fire Rescue and are scheduled for Wednesday, 8/28/24 @ 10am or Wednesday, 9/4/24 @ 10am. The location is New Hanover County Fire Rescue, 7375 Market Street, Wilmington (only about half a mile north of Ogden Park). The class should last approximately 1 hour. Class size is limited to 15, and will be filled on a 1st-come-1st-serve basis. If interested, contact Mike Clancy via email at [email protected] or by phone at 847-366-3395. There are still spaces available in both classes.
A CPR class has been arranged for the WSSA players. It is training on CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and the use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). In order to have as many people as possible who will be at the fields trained in these life-saving skills, the class has been opened to WSSA players, umpires, and fans who attend the games. The classes are being run by New Hanover Fire Rescue and are scheduled for Wednesday, 8/28/24 @ 10am or Wednesday, 9/4/24 @ 10am. The location is New Hanover County Fire Rescue, 7375 Market Street, Wilmington (only about half a mile north of Ogden Park). The class should last approximately 1 hour. Class size is limited to 15, and will be filled on a 1st-come-1st-serve basis. If interested, contact Mike Clancy via email at [email protected] or by phone at 847-366-3395. There are still spaces available in both classes.
WSSA Play Resumes With 9:30 Start Times
All regularly scheduled games starting on Aug. 20th will start at 9:30 am. As usual, the Ogden Park staff have put in a lot of work dragging and mowing the fields, and have them ready for the restart of play. Field access for Ogden Park ball fields will be 8:45 am, provided all Parks Dept. workers are OFF the field.
All regularly scheduled games starting on Aug. 20th will start at 9:30 am. As usual, the Ogden Park staff have put in a lot of work dragging and mowing the fields, and have them ready for the restart of play. Field access for Ogden Park ball fields will be 8:45 am, provided all Parks Dept. workers are OFF the field.
Coastal Division Team Practices for Second Half Scheduled
Team practices for the Coastal Division will be on Tuesday, August 13, and Thursday, August 15, in preparation for the second half of the season.
Team practices for the Coastal Division will be on Tuesday, August 13, and Thursday, August 15, in preparation for the second half of the season.
Ogden Yellow and Green Fields Available for Legacy Practice Starting August 1
Beginning Thursday August 1st at 9AM, and each Tuesday and Thursday until August 20th, Odgen Park Yellow and Green fields will be available for practice to all Legacy players who have submitted an application.
Beginning Thursday August 1st at 9AM, and each Tuesday and Thursday until August 20th, Odgen Park Yellow and Green fields will be available for practice to all Legacy players who have submitted an application.
Another 150 Pounds of Food Added to Food Drive
The second day of the WSSA's food drive held at Ogden Park on Thursday, June 20, brought in another 150 pounds of food for donation to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. Some WSSA members were unaware of the first day of the food drive and requested another opportunity to donate. The result brought the WSSA donation to 750 pounds of goods for the two dates combined. |
WSSA Picnic Today
The WSSA End-of-First-Half Picnic is being held Friday, June 28, 2024 at noon. The picnic will be "pot luck", "covered dish", or whatever term you prefer for a bring-food-to-share event. Spouses and significant others not only welcome but urged to attend. See you at Ogden Park, 12:00 pm, Friday, June 28, the day after the last game of the first half. |
WSSA Player Manual Updated Again on May 5th
The WSSA Player Manual, which contains all the local rules and practices that control the conduct of games played in all divisions of the WSSA, has been revised to reflect changes to address situations encountered in the 2024 season. It can be found by clicking More... in the main navigation at the top of this page, then clicking on Documents and Manual. It is a good read, chock full of interesting information you should know. For instance, as of May 7th games:
Coastal Division Field Change Reversed!
Starting Thursday May 2, all Coastal Division games originally scheduled for Ogden Blue Field but moved to Olsen Park Field #3 will return to Ogden Blue Field. The field has been inspected and deemed playable, although with imperfections. Repairs are scheduled to be made between July 1st and the start of the second half of the season. Until then, inspect your area of the field before the game to be aware of any danger spots. |
Coastal Division Going Back to Four Teams
On Friday, May 3, Coastal Division President Walter Aaron released this statement concerning the structure of his Division:
"Unfortunately, the Coastal division is being forced to reduce its number of teams to four (4) from five (5). This has a been a trying season with multiple player injuries, part-time attendance players and current rosters playing with nagging injuries have reduced our ranks significantly. Teams are now pulling players from other teams to fill out a roster. We’ve gone from the initial 76 (5 teams) to a current number that varies between 56 - 67players.
It was agreed upon by the managers and I that Carolina Ale House (CAH) (this year’s fifth team) would be the team that will be disbanded and its roster distributed. This is unfortunate indeed as CAH had a rough start but now seems to be getting their groove as a team. They never lost faith in each other and just wanted to be competitive. Having been a recent member of that team I will miss the fact that we didn’t get a chance to see just how far we would have gone.
The managers and I met after this past Thursday’s games to discuss our options and met again Friday morning, thanks Dave for hosting, to balance the four team’s rosters. Please follow the links below for the latest roster and schedule changes.
With the disbanding of the fifth team there will be no more bye weeks, so everyone is playing Tuesday May 7th. The managers agreed that we will do a restart. Dave produced a new 4 team 60 game schedule. It is balanced with each team playing equal dates and teams. A couple of rain dates are also included. So come Tuesday, everyone is 0-0.
The Ale House sponsorship will be moved to Healthy Seniors for a shared sponsorship. CAH members, going to other teams, please get your jerseys to Tim Bennett, manager.
Lastly, I’d like to thank Tony Spataro personally for the work he put into this process. He undertook the lead for the newly created 5th team and poured his heart and soul into it. He made every effort to make it work and while he lamented it’s disbanding, he nevertheless helped us make the decision that was in the best interest for the league in general and Coastal in particular. Once again, thank you Tony!"
Rosters: www.wilmingtonseniorsoftball.net/2024-coastal-rosters.html
New Schedule: http://www.wilmingtonseniorsoftball.net/2024-coastal-schedule-and-scores.html
On Friday, May 3, Coastal Division President Walter Aaron released this statement concerning the structure of his Division:
"Unfortunately, the Coastal division is being forced to reduce its number of teams to four (4) from five (5). This has a been a trying season with multiple player injuries, part-time attendance players and current rosters playing with nagging injuries have reduced our ranks significantly. Teams are now pulling players from other teams to fill out a roster. We’ve gone from the initial 76 (5 teams) to a current number that varies between 56 - 67players.
It was agreed upon by the managers and I that Carolina Ale House (CAH) (this year’s fifth team) would be the team that will be disbanded and its roster distributed. This is unfortunate indeed as CAH had a rough start but now seems to be getting their groove as a team. They never lost faith in each other and just wanted to be competitive. Having been a recent member of that team I will miss the fact that we didn’t get a chance to see just how far we would have gone.
The managers and I met after this past Thursday’s games to discuss our options and met again Friday morning, thanks Dave for hosting, to balance the four team’s rosters. Please follow the links below for the latest roster and schedule changes.
With the disbanding of the fifth team there will be no more bye weeks, so everyone is playing Tuesday May 7th. The managers agreed that we will do a restart. Dave produced a new 4 team 60 game schedule. It is balanced with each team playing equal dates and teams. A couple of rain dates are also included. So come Tuesday, everyone is 0-0.
The Ale House sponsorship will be moved to Healthy Seniors for a shared sponsorship. CAH members, going to other teams, please get your jerseys to Tim Bennett, manager.
Lastly, I’d like to thank Tony Spataro personally for the work he put into this process. He undertook the lead for the newly created 5th team and poured his heart and soul into it. He made every effort to make it work and while he lamented it’s disbanding, he nevertheless helped us make the decision that was in the best interest for the league in general and Coastal in particular. Once again, thank you Tony!"
Rosters: www.wilmingtonseniorsoftball.net/2024-coastal-rosters.html
New Schedule: http://www.wilmingtonseniorsoftball.net/2024-coastal-schedule-and-scores.html
2024 Opening Day at Ogden Park
(Click to Enlarge)
(Click to Enlarge)
Photos by Walter Aaron
The Atlantic Division opened its 2024 season on Tuesday, April 16th. Joining the teams as a featured guest was Steele Williams, managing partner for O’Brien Services. O’Brien is a long time sponsor for WSSA and the Atlantic Division and he spent time visiting with players and watching the first game. Pictured at left is the 2024 O’Brien team with Steele on the right. Parks and Recreation had the fields in pristine condition and the season got off to a bang with four highly competitive games.
WSSA Represented in Wilmington St. Patrick's Day Parade
The WSSA was well represented at Wilmington's St. Patrick's Day Parade, as evidenced by the happy leprechaun pictured at left. This and other pictures of WSSA members at the parade are available for viewing here, thanks to Walter Aaron's photography.
The WSSA was well represented at Wilmington's St. Patrick's Day Parade, as evidenced by the happy leprechaun pictured at left. This and other pictures of WSSA members at the parade are available for viewing here, thanks to Walter Aaron's photography.
2024 USA Softball Rule Book Available Online
The 2024 Official Rules of Softball manual published by USA Softball, of which the WSSA is a member, is available to read online here. The WSSA follows these rules unless an exception has been made in the WSSA Player Manual. Read it. Remember it.
The 2024 Official Rules of Softball manual published by USA Softball, of which the WSSA is a member, is available to read online here. The WSSA follows these rules unless an exception has been made in the WSSA Player Manual. Read it. Remember it.
Spring Softball Update
Update 2/19/24: All four Ogden fields will be available for use starting on February 20. However, you may find that your field has no bases or the bases are not in the right places. Please do not move any bases. The NHCP&G are installing new safety/break-away bases on all four fields and they have not finished yet. Please put up with a little inconvenience for the time being.
Note: If there are Parks Dept crews working on any part of a field, THAT FIELD IS CLOSED and should NOT be used. Please use another field until the Parks employees have cleared the field being worked on. ***
Access dates/times to Olsen Park Fields will be forthcoming.
Update 2/19/24: All four Ogden fields will be available for use starting on February 20. However, you may find that your field has no bases or the bases are not in the right places. Please do not move any bases. The NHCP&G are installing new safety/break-away bases on all four fields and they have not finished yet. Please put up with a little inconvenience for the time being.
- Ogden Park Fields will be available for WSSA players on Tuesdays & Thursdays starting Feb. 20th, 2024, from 10:00am until 12:00pm.
- These times will change as we get closer to the start of our posted schedule for tryouts, team drafts, team practices, etc. Fields will be dragged, but not lined. New breakaway bases will be installed.
- Any current/veteran players or potential/new players wishing to use the fields during this time frame are welcome to come out, but should first complete and submit the online WSSA Player Application form for the 2024 softball season.
- This is a great time for anyone considering to play this upcoming season to come out and start to knock off some of that built up winter rust, laziness and stay inside comfort!
- With that in mind, ALL players are reminded to pace yourselves as historically this is the time of year when we all pull, strain, break, snap, twist, or do something else that’s not normal for the body, often delaying our starting to play right from the very beginning.
- For new players, these are not tryouts so there’s no need for anyone to overdo it. Please don’t hurt yourself!
Note: If there are Parks Dept crews working on any part of a field, THAT FIELD IS CLOSED and should NOT be used. Please use another field until the Parks employees have cleared the field being worked on. ***
Access dates/times to Olsen Park Fields will be forthcoming.
WSSA's Mike Watters Writes Children's Books to Inspire Others
WECT recently did a feature on the WSSA's Mike Watters. You can link to the video and make a comment on the Player News Blog.
WECT recently did a feature on the WSSA's Mike Watters. You can link to the video and make a comment on the Player News Blog.
WSSA Golf Shirts Available Now
These WSSA golf shirts (click on image for larger view) are now available for purchase in size large and extra large. To purchase a shirt or shirts online click here.
To purchase by check, send your request to 1319 Military Cutoff Rd., Box 302, Wilmington NC 28405, being sure to list the number and size of the shirts you want; or email us with the number and size of the shirts you would like, then mail payment ($40 each) to the above address. Once payment is received your order will be mailed to you.
These WSSA golf shirts (click on image for larger view) are now available for purchase in size large and extra large. To purchase a shirt or shirts online click here.
To purchase by check, send your request to 1319 Military Cutoff Rd., Box 302, Wilmington NC 28405, being sure to list the number and size of the shirts you want; or email us with the number and size of the shirts you would like, then mail payment ($40 each) to the above address. Once payment is received your order will be mailed to you.