This watch and ring were found in the parking lot (far end between the yellow and blue field) at Ogden weeks ago. (Click on pic for larger view). If it is yours Contact Us.

Atlantic Division Adopts Pitching Safety Screen For All Games
The Atlantic Division has decided to adopt the use of the pitching safety screen in all games. The safety screen rules in the WSSA Player Manual are cited below, with Atlantic Division exceptions in bold
1.7.2 Pitching Safety Screen
Pitching Safety Screens, which are used for the pitcher's protection, are optional for all
three Divisions (Atlantic: required). Placement of the safety screen shall be centered in front of pitchers rubber (or the place where the pitcher is standing if he cannot get to the pitching rubber), and no
more than four feet in front of the pitching rubber.
The pitcher is required to step behind the safety screen after every pitch. If the pitcher is
not utilizing the safety screen in this manner, the umpire is to issue a warning to the
pitcher’s team manager and if, in the umpire’s opinion, the pitcher continues not to use
the safety screen correctly after the first warning (Atlantic: second warning), the pitcher’s team manager will be directed to immediately remove that pitcher from that position.
1.7.3 Balls striking the Safety Screen
Any batted ball that hits the safety screen is considered a dead ball/no pitch. (Atlantic: If a batter strikes the safety screen twice in one at-bat he/she is out).
Any ball that is “in play” that hits the screen is considered a live ball.
The Atlantic Division has decided to adopt the use of the pitching safety screen in all games. The safety screen rules in the WSSA Player Manual are cited below, with Atlantic Division exceptions in bold
1.7.2 Pitching Safety Screen
Pitching Safety Screens, which are used for the pitcher's protection, are optional for all
three Divisions (Atlantic: required). Placement of the safety screen shall be centered in front of pitchers rubber (or the place where the pitcher is standing if he cannot get to the pitching rubber), and no
more than four feet in front of the pitching rubber.
The pitcher is required to step behind the safety screen after every pitch. If the pitcher is
not utilizing the safety screen in this manner, the umpire is to issue a warning to the
pitcher’s team manager and if, in the umpire’s opinion, the pitcher continues not to use
the safety screen correctly after the first warning (Atlantic: second warning), the pitcher’s team manager will be directed to immediately remove that pitcher from that position.
1.7.3 Balls striking the Safety Screen
Any batted ball that hits the safety screen is considered a dead ball/no pitch. (Atlantic: If a batter strikes the safety screen twice in one at-bat he/she is out).
Any ball that is “in play” that hits the screen is considered a live ball.

Message from Coastal Division President Jay Harrington
Guys, I want to thank every player in the Coastal Division for making our season a successful one. The fact that we were able to get all 60 games played despite the weather and unplayable fields was nothing short of great. It could not have been done without your cooperation and understanding. I want to thank the four guys, McCarthy, Dominelli, Last and Allen, for their leadership and time that they have given to their teams,. GREAT WORK!!!! I hope to see you all at the luncheon on the 21st of October at noon so we can all be together one last time before the holidays Again, thanks for allowing me to be the president and hope that we all stay healthy for the upcoming season.
Guys, I want to thank every player in the Coastal Division for making our season a successful one. The fact that we were able to get all 60 games played despite the weather and unplayable fields was nothing short of great. It could not have been done without your cooperation and understanding. I want to thank the four guys, McCarthy, Dominelli, Last and Allen, for their leadership and time that they have given to their teams,. GREAT WORK!!!! I hope to see you all at the luncheon on the 21st of October at noon so we can all be together one last time before the holidays Again, thanks for allowing me to be the president and hope that we all stay healthy for the upcoming season.

Coastal and Legacy Games Will Return to 9am Start
Now that we have gotten a welcome relief from the oppressive heat that has caused cancellation of games, the Coastal and Legacy Divisions will return to 9am start times for their games. Players may go on the fields for warm-ups at 8:30 -- NO SOONER.
Now that we have gotten a welcome relief from the oppressive heat that has caused cancellation of games, the Coastal and Legacy Divisions will return to 9am start times for their games. Players may go on the fields for warm-ups at 8:30 -- NO SOONER.

Invitation to Softball Players to Join the WSSA This Season
Prospective Senior Softball Players – Men 55 years old during 2022 – Women 50 years old during 2022. You still have a chance to play in 2022. Here it is the middle of June and the WSSA still has half a season to play. Our Coastal and Legacy Divisions still have room on our rosters. Our Atlantic Division’s rosters are set, though it is possible places may open up in the summer months. By joining now, with half a season remaining, the fee is reduced to $50.00. So please complete our application online or contact us through email at [email protected]. We will reply to provide more information.
Prospective Senior Softball Players – Men 55 years old during 2022 – Women 50 years old during 2022. You still have a chance to play in 2022. Here it is the middle of June and the WSSA still has half a season to play. Our Coastal and Legacy Divisions still have room on our rosters. Our Atlantic Division’s rosters are set, though it is possible places may open up in the summer months. By joining now, with half a season remaining, the fee is reduced to $50.00. So please complete our application online or contact us through email at [email protected]. We will reply to provide more information.

Coastal and Legacy Division Games Canceled Due to Heat
With Thursday's Heat Index predicted to be over 100 degrees by mid morning, the Coastal and Legacy Divisions have decided to postpone Thursday, July 28th's games until a later date. "I just don't want to be responsible for someone getting heat stroke," said Jay Harrington, Coastal Division President. Since, even with shortened games, only one game was likely to be played before play would have to be suspended, this decision made the most sense for the two divisions.
"Studies show that it can be hard for even healthy older adults to tell when it’s too hot or if they’re dehydrated. Cognitive decline exacerbates these problems. Older bodies also hold more heat than younger ones when the temperature climbs. Glands don’t release as much sweat. The heart doesn’t circulate blood as well, so less heat is released from vessels in the skin. Systems from the cardiovascular to the immune struggle to compensate".--The Effects of Heat on Older Adults, Harvard Medicine
With Thursday's Heat Index predicted to be over 100 degrees by mid morning, the Coastal and Legacy Divisions have decided to postpone Thursday, July 28th's games until a later date. "I just don't want to be responsible for someone getting heat stroke," said Jay Harrington, Coastal Division President. Since, even with shortened games, only one game was likely to be played before play would have to be suspended, this decision made the most sense for the two divisions.
"Studies show that it can be hard for even healthy older adults to tell when it’s too hot or if they’re dehydrated. Cognitive decline exacerbates these problems. Older bodies also hold more heat than younger ones when the temperature climbs. Glands don’t release as much sweat. The heart doesn’t circulate blood as well, so less heat is released from vessels in the skin. Systems from the cardiovascular to the immune struggle to compensate".--The Effects of Heat on Older Adults, Harvard Medicine
Games in Legacy Division Will Start at 8:30 A.M. on Thursday, July 28
Due to the expected heat index being over 100 degrees by 11:00 am Thursday, Commissioner Mike Clancy and Deputy Commissioner Chris Pinket have worked with New Hanover Parks, along with umpires, to get the start time for Thursday's games moved up to 8:30am.
Please follow these guidelines so things will move efficiently:
Due to the expected heat index being over 100 degrees by 11:00 am Thursday, Commissioner Mike Clancy and Deputy Commissioner Chris Pinket have worked with New Hanover Parks, along with umpires, to get the start time for Thursday's games moved up to 8:30am.
Please follow these guidelines so things will move efficiently:
- Teams should show up early to stretch and throw;
- Do not go on the fields if NHP personnel are working on them;
- No batting or fielding practice;
- We need to begin the first game at 8:30am;
- Umpires will be ready;
- Please lets be prompt so we will have a chance to play two games.

Practices at Ogden July 12 & 14
WSSA players have an opportunity to tune up for the second half of the season on Tuesday, July 12, and Thursday, July 14, from 9:00am to noon at Ogden Park. Bring your equipment and plenty of water or sports drink. Heat indexes are predicted to be in the 90's.
WSSA players have an opportunity to tune up for the second half of the season on Tuesday, July 12, and Thursday, July 14, from 9:00am to noon at Ogden Park. Bring your equipment and plenty of water or sports drink. Heat indexes are predicted to be in the 90's.

Player Loan Rule Amended in Coastal Division
Coastal Division managers had a short meeting and decided to amend the rule pertaining to loaning a catcher to a team that is short of players. The previous wording of the rule from the revised Player Manual stated:
"The player may be loaned as a catcher only to facilitate play of the game, would not bat, and the 10th position in the batting order of the short-handed team would result in an out each time that batter's turn at bat comes up."
The new rule is:
"The player may be loaned as a catcher only to facilitate play of the game, would not bat, and the short-handed team will not be charged with an out when the 10th position in the batting order comes up."
This change will take place immediately, due to an increase in injuries resulting in player shortages.
Coastal Division managers had a short meeting and decided to amend the rule pertaining to loaning a catcher to a team that is short of players. The previous wording of the rule from the revised Player Manual stated:
"The player may be loaned as a catcher only to facilitate play of the game, would not bat, and the 10th position in the batting order of the short-handed team would result in an out each time that batter's turn at bat comes up."
The new rule is:
"The player may be loaned as a catcher only to facilitate play of the game, would not bat, and the short-handed team will not be charged with an out when the 10th position in the batting order comes up."
This change will take place immediately, due to an increase in injuries resulting in player shortages.

Rosters Posted for All Divisions
The 2022 rosters for teams in all division have been posted. You will find them under Divisions in the main menu at the top of this page.
The 2022 rosters for teams in all division have been posted. You will find them under Divisions in the main menu at the top of this page.

WSSA Welcomes Matthews Motors As a New Sponsor
Matthews Motors, located at 5723 Market Street in Wilmington, has joined the WSSA as a team sponsor. The WSSA is pleased to welcome them, and we thank them for their generous contribution to Senior Softball.
At left, Sean Spear (Center Left) of Matthews Motors presents a sponsorship check to Mike Clancy (L), WSSA Commissioner, David Reardon (Center Right), WSSA Treaurer and Ron Ratliffe (Right), WSSA Director of Marketing and Public Relations.
Matthews Motors, located at 5723 Market Street in Wilmington, has joined the WSSA as a team sponsor. The WSSA is pleased to welcome them, and we thank them for their generous contribution to Senior Softball.
At left, Sean Spear (Center Left) of Matthews Motors presents a sponsorship check to Mike Clancy (L), WSSA Commissioner, David Reardon (Center Right), WSSA Treaurer and Ron Ratliffe (Right), WSSA Director of Marketing and Public Relations.

Practice for Women's Division Saturday, March, 19
The WSSA Women's Division is holding an open practice on Saturday, March 19, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm at Roland-Grise Middle School, 4412 Lake Ave., in Wilmington. All women 45 and older interested in playing softball are welcome.
The WSSA Women's Division is holding an open practice on Saturday, March 19, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm at Roland-Grise Middle School, 4412 Lake Ave., in Wilmington. All women 45 and older interested in playing softball are welcome.

Applications For New and Returning Players
Applications for returning players are now past due. Returning players who submit their application and fee after March 1 are not guaranteed to play on the team to which they were previously assigned. The Player Application Forms can be found here. Instructions are provided. Payment ($100--same as last year) can be mailed to the address on the form and at the bottom of this page. If you apply online you do not need to send a paper copy of the application with your check.
Also, we are not quite rid of Covid-19 yet, so you will need to sign and submit another Covid-19 Waiver Form, located with the other application forms.
New Players: Applications are due by Tuesday, March 15th. You do not need to send a payment at this time. Find out more about the procedures for new players by going to the New Player Orientation Page.
Non-Returning Players: If you played last year but do not plan to return we would appreciate you letting us know to help us determine the number of players to expect. You may use the Contact Us form or email to [email protected].
Applications for returning players are now past due. Returning players who submit their application and fee after March 1 are not guaranteed to play on the team to which they were previously assigned. The Player Application Forms can be found here. Instructions are provided. Payment ($100--same as last year) can be mailed to the address on the form and at the bottom of this page. If you apply online you do not need to send a paper copy of the application with your check.
Also, we are not quite rid of Covid-19 yet, so you will need to sign and submit another Covid-19 Waiver Form, located with the other application forms.
New Players: Applications are due by Tuesday, March 15th. You do not need to send a payment at this time. Find out more about the procedures for new players by going to the New Player Orientation Page.
Non-Returning Players: If you played last year but do not plan to return we would appreciate you letting us know to help us determine the number of players to expect. You may use the Contact Us form or email to [email protected].

Board of Directors for 2022
At the Annual Meeting on February 9, 2022, the following WSSA members were installed as the Board of Directors for the coming season. Full contact information for the Board members is available on the Organization page under About WSSA in the main menu at the head of this page.
At the Annual Meeting on February 9, 2022, the following WSSA members were installed as the Board of Directors for the coming season. Full contact information for the Board members is available on the Organization page under About WSSA in the main menu at the head of this page.

Board of Directors Meeting Held on February 14
The WSSA Board of Directors met on February 14. Among other decisions the Board approved the managers for each division. The full minutes of the meeting can be read here.
The WSSA Board of Directors met on February 14. Among other decisions the Board approved the managers for each division. The full minutes of the meeting can be read here.

Proposed Changes to Bylaws/Player Manual
Proposals to change the Bylaws or the Player Manual that have been submitted for consideration by the board are in this document. You may make comments on any of the suggestions on that page.
Proposals to change the Bylaws or the Player Manual that have been submitted for consideration by the board are in this document. You may make comments on any of the suggestions on that page.
2021 Umpire Field Assignments

2021 Annual WSSA Golf Outing a Great Success
The Wilmington Senior Softball Association's 2021 Annual WSSA Golf Outing, held on Wednesday, November 10th at the River Landing Golf Course in Wallace, NC, was a great success. Sixty-six golfers enjoyed great weather, a great set of guys & ladies and golf. The winners and tournament photos can be found isted here.
Thanks to all of the participants. Special thanks to the golf committee: Darrell Davies (coordinator & host),
Bill Walsh and Dave Reardon. Thank you Jeff Hale and the staff of River Landings Golf Course (River Course)
for helping us put on a fantastic event. See you next year at River Landing (Landing Course) on November 2, 2022.
The Wilmington Senior Softball Association's 2021 Annual WSSA Golf Outing, held on Wednesday, November 10th at the River Landing Golf Course in Wallace, NC, was a great success. Sixty-six golfers enjoyed great weather, a great set of guys & ladies and golf. The winners and tournament photos can be found isted here.
Thanks to all of the participants. Special thanks to the golf committee: Darrell Davies (coordinator & host),
Bill Walsh and Dave Reardon. Thank you Jeff Hale and the staff of River Landings Golf Course (River Course)
for helping us put on a fantastic event. See you next year at River Landing (Landing Course) on November 2, 2022.
25th Anniversary - Ken Denne & Mike Abernathy.
WSSA Historical Documentation - Bill Walsh
WSSA Historical Documentation - Bill Walsh
Approval Authority: |
Proposed Change - proposed revisions or amendments have been submitted in writing at least 14 days prior to the annual meeting and have been posted in advance on the WSSA website |
Majority vote of members present at the annual meeting. Article V – Organization Bylaw Revisions and Amendments. |
Proposed that the Bylaws, Article I, Section 2, be amended to include religion in the sentence that begins “No player is excluded..." This change was suggested by a player in a previous annual meeting, but it could not be voted on because it had not been proposed 14 days ahead of the meeting. --Harry Marriner |
Value |
Approval Authority |
Proposed Change: |
The Board is authorized. Article VI – Manual: Practices, Policies, Procedures, Programs and Rules.” |
Proposed that in rule 1.0 of the manual, either in 1.1 or 1.2, a definite time period between games be inserted in the rule. Whether it is ten minutes, fifteen minutes, or whatever, I think if all players and umpires knew when the next game would begin it would help everyone to be ready to play at the same time. Proposed that Rule 1.5 be reviewed. It says a team may loan a player to a shorthanded team and that player will bat and play the field. What usually happens is the team loans a catcher who bats for his own team. This should be reflected in the wording of the rule. Note: Furthermore, the team that loans the catcher is often put at a disadvantage because they are batting a full lineup while the shorthanded team is going around the bases like a merry-go-round because their good hitters are getting so many more at-bats. I think the shorthanded team should at least have to accept an out each time the loaned catcher would ordinarily come to bat. --Harry Marriner |
Proposed that Rule 3.4 be updated. Overrunning bases is no longer allowed in the Coastal Division. --Harry Marriner |
Proposed that rule 2.5, Hot Weather Rule, be be clarified for weather stoppage past the regulation innings. Suggest the game go back to previous full inning to determine winner if weather stoppage occurs during an uncompleted inning. --Jay Harrington |

Women's Division Practice Times Through October Announced
Practices for the Women’s Division of the Wilmington Senior Softball Association will be on Saturday mornings from 9:00-11:00 am through October 30, at Roland Grise Park, 4412 Lake Avenue, Wilmington, NC . All interested women 45 years old and up are invited to come to the practices. The association will have all of the necessary equipment (bats, balls, etc.). Please bring your own softball glove, if you have one. Read More...
Practices for the Women’s Division of the Wilmington Senior Softball Association will be on Saturday mornings from 9:00-11:00 am through October 30, at Roland Grise Park, 4412 Lake Avenue, Wilmington, NC . All interested women 45 years old and up are invited to come to the practices. The association will have all of the necessary equipment (bats, balls, etc.). Please bring your own softball glove, if you have one. Read More...
Front row, left to right are John Wessely, Michael Prokop, Mark Schall, John Clark and Dan Levine
Back row, left to right are Don Evans, Jim Marsden, Bobby Dobbins, Mickey Higgins, Tim Copeland, Richard Clark, Steve Chisholm, Barry Estler and Greg Wilsey.
Back row, left to right are Don Evans, Jim Marsden, Bobby Dobbins, Mickey Higgins, Tim Copeland, Richard Clark, Steve Chisholm, Barry Estler and Greg Wilsey.

Around 1937, the original investors (T.K. Knight and his brothers-in-law, Thomas, Kenneth and William Wilson) decided to change the coffee shop’s name. Using their initials, they created the name K&W Restaurant. With his original one third interest in the company and his recognition of the company's potential, Grady T. Allred increased his share of ownership. In1941, Allred became K&W’s sole owner after acquiring the last remaining share from Thomas Wilson.
It wasn’t long before Allred involved his family in the new acquisition. His wife, Vivian, worked as a cashier and Allred’s brothers, Ted and Coy, joined the business as managers. Soon, a second K&W location opened in nearby High Point. Both restaurants flourished until December of 1951, when a fire forced the downtown Winston-Salem location to close for several months. After extensive repairs and restoration, the restaurant reopened in 1952 with a slight twist - it was now a restaurant/cafeteria combination.
Today, K&W Cafeterias is still owned and operated by the Allred family. K&W is headquartered in Winston-Salem, N.C. and has 33 locations: 23 in North Carolina, 5 in South Carolina, 4 in Virginia, and 1 in West Virginia. They are a big supporters of charities in the ares they serve and continue to offer a large variety of great home-cooked food at very low prices.
It wasn’t long before Allred involved his family in the new acquisition. His wife, Vivian, worked as a cashier and Allred’s brothers, Ted and Coy, joined the business as managers. Soon, a second K&W location opened in nearby High Point. Both restaurants flourished until December of 1951, when a fire forced the downtown Winston-Salem location to close for several months. After extensive repairs and restoration, the restaurant reopened in 1952 with a slight twist - it was now a restaurant/cafeteria combination.
Today, K&W Cafeterias is still owned and operated by the Allred family. K&W is headquartered in Winston-Salem, N.C. and has 33 locations: 23 in North Carolina, 5 in South Carolina, 4 in Virginia, and 1 in West Virginia. They are a big supporters of charities in the ares they serve and continue to offer a large variety of great home-cooked food at very low prices.
Coronavirus News
Schedule for Return to Play (Updated 6/28/2020)
- All players participating in WSSA on-field events must sign the COVID-19 waiver form prior to taking the field. Division presidents/managers will insure that this requirement is met.
- Divisional / team practice sessions are being held at Ogden Park from 9:00am – 1:00pm
- Beginning June 23, Atlantic Division practices will be held at Olsen Fields, starting at 9am. Practices will be every Tuesday and Thursday at that time and location until further notice.
- Coastal division practices are Tuesday & Thursday, Red & Blue fields.
- Legacy division practices are Tuesday & Thursday, Green & Yellow fields.
- The 25 player limit will be observed on each field with social distancing.
- Beginning Phase 3, when implemented:
- The regular season will not start until Phase 3, currently anticipated July 17. If Phase 3 is delayed or not implemented WSSA activities will be adjusted accordingly.
- If phase 3 is implemented on July 17th, the starting date for the regular season will be Tuesday, July 21st.
- We have 15 weeks from 7/21/20 thru 10/29/20 to complete the 60-game schedule, barring rain dates.
- Legacy will do a complete blind redraft the same as Atlantic.
- Division Drafts:
- Atlantic – July 10
- Coastal – July 15
- Legacy – July 16
Restarting the 2020 season:
We are now in the Phase 2 Extension of the Governor’s Reopening Guidance for the COVID-19 pandemic. Public gathering limits allow that each athletic field can have up to 25 people using social distancing guidelines.
All players are required to sign and return the attached COVID-19 waiver before they can participate in any on field WSSA play, including practice sessions. A copy of the form will also be available on our website as well. If you have not already sent in a waiver form, download a copy, sign and bring with you to the next WSSA scheduled event (i.e. team practices, etc.…)
The WSSA membership is one of the high risk groups for COVID-19, so we have to be especially careful. Many of our members have expressed an unwillingness to participate too early in this restart process. For this reason we will start with loosely organized team practices. The schedule and details for the resumption of the WSSA 2020 season are posted below.
We ask that you be patient while we navigate this process as this is new to all of us. Our goal is to get our league up and running as soon as possible with the utmost safety of our membership in mind.
Social Distancing guidelines include but are not limited to;
We are now in the Phase 2 Extension of the Governor’s Reopening Guidance for the COVID-19 pandemic. Public gathering limits allow that each athletic field can have up to 25 people using social distancing guidelines.
All players are required to sign and return the attached COVID-19 waiver before they can participate in any on field WSSA play, including practice sessions. A copy of the form will also be available on our website as well. If you have not already sent in a waiver form, download a copy, sign and bring with you to the next WSSA scheduled event (i.e. team practices, etc.…)
The WSSA membership is one of the high risk groups for COVID-19, so we have to be especially careful. Many of our members have expressed an unwillingness to participate too early in this restart process. For this reason we will start with loosely organized team practices. The schedule and details for the resumption of the WSSA 2020 season are posted below.
We ask that you be patient while we navigate this process as this is new to all of us. Our goal is to get our league up and running as soon as possible with the utmost safety of our membership in mind.
Social Distancing guidelines include but are not limited to;
- No spectators are permitted at the facility/park
- Coaches and players must adhere to physical six-foot distancing except when the ball is in play
- Players must adhere to six foot social distancing practices off the field of play.
- Umpires must adhere to six-foot social distancing practices when interacting with players and coaches off the field of play.
- Individuals should not congregate in common areas or parking lot following the event or practice